Interactive 3D visualization and automation tools for neuroscience research and surgery.
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Developing tools that help us study the whole brain will help us to understand human behavior and develop cures for neurodegenerative diseases.
Custom equipment and craniotomies can be modeled side-by-side, saving time during procedures.
Extract brain surface coordinates for surgical targeting, export brain region information, and explore planar slices in each brain atlas.
Robotic manipulators make movements with sub-micrometer precision and perform multiple tasks in parallel, critical improvements for enabling whole-brain neural recording.
Here, a manipulator is controlled by Pinpoint to insert a probe through a craniotomy.
Support for platforms can be added through the Ephys Link project.
Sensapex Multiprobe rig
New Scale MPM rig
New Scale MIS rig
Scientifica InVivoStar Micromanipulator
The reduction in human error and increase in efficiency will enable neuroscientists to scale up their work to new heights, unlocking studies and surgeries previously deemed impossible.
Parallax computer vision tracking system. Two electrophysiology probes are tracked and marked with red crosses.
Automation is measurably faster than traditional methods. The median duration of automated insertions (red dot) is significantly faster than the median duration for manual insertions (black dot).
Run Pinpoint from a web browser, a desktop computer, or a handheld gaming console!
Learn about Pinpoint and discover the platform at three workshops and conferences every year:
Dr. Birman teaching Pinpoint to researchers at the Allen Institute 2024 Neuropixels and OpenScope Workshop.
A workshop attendee using Pinpoint through their laptop browser.
Developing Pinpoint has been an opportunity for a diverse group of undergraduates to discover a passion for research, neuroscience, and 3D development.
The open nature of our code also ensures it will still be maintainable long after we achieve our main goals.
Multi-probe trajectory planning in an intuitive 3D environment
See what else we've made and get in contact with us!
We develop 3D visualization tools for experimenting with, exploring, and simulating brains.
See our roadmap and goals for Pinpoint.
See what we are proposing to work on next.